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Spicy taho?

14 Jul

Thai food is spicy, and when you’re in Bangkok, there’s no escape. Rice meals are spicy. That plate of glistening noodles is spicy. Those chunks of cucumber served on the side aren’t just garnish; you have to eat that to cool off your scorching tongue.

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It’s no surprise that even some of their dessert items are spicy. Well, not all. Mango and sticky rice is a favorite, even though it’s actually just what we have locally as suman and mango. Their iced desserts, which is very similar to our halo-halo, are also spared from chili.

bkk - dessert hot ginger soup with tofu
Hot ginger soup with tofu
One thing that isn’t spared is their local version of taho: Hot ginger soup with tofu. No chilis were included in the making of this dessert. I think it’s just the large amounts of ginger that went into the sugar-based broth that makes it spicy. Plus, since it’s served warm it adds more “heat” to the dessert. ever the masters in balancing flavors and textures, silken tofu and crunchy “bread” toppings are added to the soup.